The Merry (Part 2): an Ordshaw Vignette

The Merry (Part 2): an Ordshaw Vignette

'Tis the season to be jolly, streets filled with twinkling lights and cheer and whatnot. So it falls to me to restore some levity with the sorts of sordid things that go in Ordshaw at all times of year... It's been a while since I posted an Ordshaw Vignette, and it's...

My Most-Played Music of 2020

I love a good listen to some music even if I don't talk about it much, but it often inspires or reflects my moods and has a good hand in motivating my writing. Since Spotify has given me a rundown of my household's most-listened-to tracks, I thought I'd Tweet out a a...

Author Interview: Jon Auerbach

Author Interview: Jon Auerbach

Today I'm happy to present an interview with Jon Auerbach, author of Guild of Tokens and all-round lovely chap. Jon's a fellow author I met (virtually) through the SPFBO contest a few years ago, and as well as writing delightful urban fantasy novels he's very active...

Fall into Fantasy: Bag a Ton of Free Reads

Fall into Fantasy: Bag a Ton of Free Reads

(Tw  I've got a great promo to share: Fall Into Fantasy (and SFF) is now live from today until November 30th. Get books from 15 great self-published fantasy and sci-fi authors, all available free, right here. In the past, I've shared deals packed with books, but they...

My Halloween Reads for 2020 – A Big ol’ Horror Books List

My Halloween Reads for 2020 – A Big ol’ Horror Books List

As is tradition, I’ve been focusing on horror or Halloween-adjacent reads for the month of October (Shocktober), and this year I’ve got through an absurd number of them. Here’s all the books I’ve read this month with mini-reviews, for anyone looking for a horror read....

Book Review: Flesh Eater by Travis M. Riddle

Book Review: Flesh Eater by Travis M. Riddle

Flesh Eater by Travis Riddle is out Oct 27th, order it here.Here's what you need to know about Flesh Eater by Travis Riddle: it involves people racing giant spiders and a lot of peril involving weird monsters. And they're not actually people, they're more like animals...

All of Shirley Jackson’s Novels Reviewed in One Place

All of Shirley Jackson’s Novels Reviewed in One Place

Every one of Shirley Jackson’s books, for me, is a work of art. She’s best known for The Haunting of Hill House, and her short story The Lottery, and to some extent for We Have Always Lived in the Castle, all works I naturally started with myself, but her entire...

Book Review: The Revanche Cycle by Craig Schaefer

Book Review: The Revanche Cycle by Craig Schaefer

The Complete Revanche Cycle by Craig Schaefer is available here. So, I've been trying to read and review self-published books all month as part of Self-Published Fantasy Book Month, and herein lies the final of said reviews. Considering this one included four books, I...

Book Review: Half A Soul by Olivia Atwater

Book Review: Half A Soul by Olivia Atwater

Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater is available here. Hark, another Self-Published Fantasy Month review! And another which I've been sitting on for a little bit, just so I can fit it into a daily theme; today's SPFM challenge being leading ladies. And this book has a great...