In case you missed it, we’re just come out the end of a fun-packed book blog tour for Under Ordshaw, courtesy of the wonderful Storytellers on Tour. I was lucky enough to be one of their early tours, with a healthy flurry of exerts, interviews, reviews and samples spread across the internet. Timy already did a wonderful write-up of it all here, which I’m basically doing a second-rate job of here.
The tour was all in celebration of the release of the Under Ordshaw audiobook, which was tragically delayed (by more than a month, due to Amazon’s slow processing) beyond the tour itself – but should be out any day now.
The Reviews
Under Ordshaw got some tremendous new reviews on the following blogs, in order of appearance, with some highlights:
- Whispers & Wonder (this is a wonderful write-up!) – “a gripping tale drenched in mystery and ample sass”
- Olliespot Book Review – “a complete blast”
- Out of This World SFF Reviews – “definitely a book that you will want to check out!”
- Parsecs & Parchment – “awesome, just top-notch devourable urban fantasy with great character work, world-building and dialogue.”
- Susy’s Cozy World – “a fascinating reading, that kept me busy for an enjoyable couple of days! If you are in for something original and captivating, this one could be the right reading for you!”
- Knapsack.news – “one of the more interesting takes on faerie-kind that I’ve seen in a book”
- @bibliophilesandcoffee – “I cannot recommend this book enough.”
- Dream Come Review – “a well-crafted start to an urban fantasy world with a healthy dose of dark and creepy.”
- Sometimes Leelynn Reads – “a wild ride”
- @the.littlest.bookshelf – “a combo of both urban fantasy as well as a on the edge of your seat thriller that will keep you turning pages until the end and leave you wanting more.”
- Paul’s Picks – “a good immersive tale that gripped me from the start.”
- Fantasy Book Critic – “Williams has given readers plenty of thrills and mystery to keep the pages turning, but his novel sings loudest when he explores human-fae dynamics. Consider me hooked. Under Ordshaw won’t work as a standalone so bear that in mind before starting it.”
- Fantasy Book Critic Review – this is probably the longest interview I’ve done, and has a lot of really insightful questions!
- Armed with a Book
Extracts and Samples
- Geek Pron Vlogs – first impressions video
- The Paperback Voyager
- Through Novel Time & Distance – @scarlettreadzandrunz
Oh and they also produced some wonderful graphics like this:
That’s your lot for now (and it is rather lot!).
Massive thanks to Justine and Timy for organising this, they did a great job and I would certainly recommend checking out Storytellers on Tour, for authors and readers alike.