by philwilliams | Sep 18, 2018 | Estalia Series, Faergrowe Series, Ordshaw Series, Short Stories
I write a lot. It’s left me with too much to share, so today I’m offering an opportunity to get involved with more of my short fiction. It’s taken maybe half a year to get the sequel to Under Ordshaw ready for publication (still tentatively titled...
by philwilliams | Aug 1, 2018 | Book Reviews, Ordshaw Series, Special Offers
It’s an exciting day for self-published fantasy authors and readers alike, as the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (SPFBO) 2018 kicks off today. Especially exciting for me because Under Ordshaw is in the contest! If you’re not familiar with the contest,...
by philwilliams | May 31, 2018 | Ordshaw Series
It’s finally here, the first entry in the Ordshaw series, available in eBook and paperback form. It was a joy to write, and from the initial responses I’ve received I think you’ll find it a joy to read, too. It’s up on Amazon in eBook and...
by philwilliams | Apr 17, 2018 | Book Design, Novels, Ordshaw Series
Under Ordshaw is almost upon us. I’ve just got through my final round of edits and am giving it one more read before shipping it off to the advance readers. That makes it a good time to show you something else I’ve been working on: the book’s cover....
by philwilliams | Feb 3, 2017 | Editorial, Estalia Series, Faergrowe Series, Novels, Ordshaw Series
It’s a new year and a new website for me – finally one to showcase my novels and only my novels. If you’re not familiar with my old websites, do check them out – my grammar analysis at English Lessons Brighton, business writing tips at...